Gesti arbitrali

Pallavolo Fotogallery Gesti arbitrali Tutti i gesti arbitrali Autorizzazione del servizio Squadra al servizio Cambio di campo Tempo di riposo Sostituzione Fallo di posizione o rotazione Palla dentro Palla fuori Rete toccata da un giocatore o da una palla di servizio Invasione al di sopra della rete SPAZIO CLIL Invasione sotto rete Palla toccata VOLLEYBALL CHALLENGE Choose the right word (use a dictionary). 1. To position the ball so a team-mate can attack. A. Hold B. Dig C. Attack D. Set 2. To let the ball settle into the hands briefly on a shot instead of releasing it immediately. A. Hold B. Rotate C. Setter D. Attack 3. To smash the ball overarm into the opponent s court. A. Attack line B. Rotate C. Spike D. Set 4. To block an opposing player from spiking the ball by jumping at the net with arms in the air. A. Setter B. Dig C. Attack D. Block 5. An attempt by a player to win a point by hitting the ball over the net. A. Hold B. Attack C. Dig D. Spike 6. To move to the next position on the floor in a clockwise manner. A. Attack line B. Block C. Spike D. Rotate 7. A player who excels in setting up teammates to attack. A. Attack line B. Rotate C. Setter D. Spike 8. A defensive move in which both arms are placed together in an attempt to bounce. A hard-hit ball up into the air. A. Hold B. Attack line C. Block D. Dig 4 Pallavolo S51

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