Dai fatti alla Storia - volume 1

M1 LISTENING ACTIVITY 3.B Listen to the first part of the recording and take notes in order to choose the correct option to complete the sentences. 1. In the period of the Barbarian Kingdoms, a. political structures were transformed. b. there was a demographic increase in Europe. 2. Change in population began a. around the 10th century. b. around the 8th century. 3. There was an increase in population because a. there were the Hungarian invasions. b. there was a positive climate change. 4. Technological innovations increased a. food production. b. the population. 5. The serfs were attracted to the cities so that a. they could become free. b. they could trade in a market square. 6. Transportation routes were improved by a. urban growth. b. the construction of waterway routes. 7. The use of bills of exchange substituted a. gold and silver coins. b. a commercial revolution. ACTIVITY 3.C Match the following words to their Italian translations. LISTENING 1. took advantage of a. legame 2. assets b. entità 3. tenant c. locatario 4. inheritable d. beni 5. bond e. giurava 6. founded f. 7. swore g. approfittò 8. entities h. fondato ereditabili ACTIVITY 3.D Listen to the second part of the recording and take notes in order to answer the questions. 1. What was the benefice? ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2. How did transforming the benefice into inheritable property change the feudal system? ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3. What are the three main elements of the feudal system? ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4. What functions could the vassal exercise within the fief? ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5. Why were the European Kingdoms fragmented entities? ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 572 77636R_0000E01_INTE_BAS@0572.pgs 15.09.2021 15:01

Dai fatti alla Storia - volume 1
Dai fatti alla Storia - volume 1
Dal Medioevo all’Età moderna