CLIL - Healthcare in Italy

DIRItto CLIL - healthcare in Italy CLIL - HEALTHCARE IN ITALY 111 AUDIO Health is defined as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the main determinants of health include the following: income; social status; education and literacy; employment and working conditions; social environments; physical environments; personal health practices; biology and genetics; healthcare services; gender; culture. The healthcare system is the method by which healthcare is financed, organised, and delivered to a population. In Italy the law recognises the right to health as a fundamental human right, which has its basis in Article 32 of the Italian Constitution, which states the following: The Republic protects the right to health as a fundamental right of the individual and every organ of the society . The healthcare system in Italy is regionally based and is known as Servizio Sanitario Nazionale (SSN). The SSN provides, free of charge, or at a relatively limited cost, universal coverage to citizens and residents. Italy s healthcare system is routinely ranked among the best in the world, based on its overall quality, equity of access, and the general health and life expectancy of the Italian population. 1. Answer the following questions. 1. how can we define health ? 2. What factors affect human health? 3. What does healthcare system mean? 4. Is healthcare in Italy good? 5. Do people pay for healthcare in Italy?

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