CLIL - Family or Household?

economIA 259 cLIL - Family or Household? CLIL - FAMILY OR HOUSEHOLD? AUDIO A society cannot survive unless basic functions are carried out by a group of people. The family is the most normal and natural social unit in a human society. A family consists of two or more people related by birth, marriage, or adoption who live together. The family is a basic unit of study in many social science disciplines, such as psychology, statistics, sociology, law, and economics. During the past few decades the role of the traditional family has become weaker and new living arrangements have gained importance, consequently the concept of family is related to the one of households. A household consists of one person living alone, or a group of individuals living together at the same address (not necessarily related), who share cooking facilities, living room or dining area. Examples of households are single-parent families, singleperson households, divorce-extended families and family of choice , like people that decide to live together. We can say that all families are households, but not all households are families. Households can also be collective or institutional, for instance: hospitals, residential homes, prisons, military barracks, religious institutions etc. 1. answer the following questions. 1. What defines a family? 2. What defines a household? 3. can a family be a household? 4. can a household be a family? 5. Why do you think it is important in economics to distinguish between them? 2. What is your relationship to other persons in your household? Tick as appropriate. A. Husband or wife b. biological son or daughter c. Adopted son or daughter d. Stepson or daughter e. brother or sister F. Father or mother g. grandchild H. Parent-in-law I. Son-in-law or daughter-in-law L. other relative m. Roomer or boarder n. Housemate or roommate o. Unmarried partner P. Foster child Q. Another nonrelative

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