CLIL - The Nobel Prize

economIA CLIL - THE NOBEL PRIZE cLIL - the nobel Prize 245 AUDIO The Nobel Prize is the legacy of Alfred Nobel (1833-96), a Swedish chemist, engineer, inventor and entrepreneur. Nobel was devoted especially to the study of explosives, and his inventions include a blasting cap, dynamite and smokeless gunpowder. When he died in 1896, he held 355 patents in different countries, more than 90 factories of explosives and ammunition and had made a fortune. The year before, in November 1895, he had written his last will, leaving much of his wealth for the establishment of an annual prize that would go to brilliant minds around the world. Today the Nobel Prize (the prize includes a diploma, a medal and an amount of money) is awarded to people who have made significant contributions in the domains of Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature and Peace: to those who, during the preceding year, shall have conferred the greatest benefit on mankind . The prize has been awarded since 1901 and the Economic Sciences one since 1968. The candidates eligible for the Prize in Economic Sciences are nominated by qualified persons who have received an invitation from the Economic Sciences Prize Committee. From 1969 to 2019, 84 individuals have been awarded this Prize (it can be shared among more than one person): the youngest Laureate in this domain is Esther Duflo, who was 46 years old when she was awarded in 2019, while the oldest to date is Leonid Hurwicz, who was 90 years old when he was awarded in 2007. 1. answer the following questions. 1. Who is the nobel Prize named after? 2. Who gets the nobel Prize? 3. When was the first nobel Prize awarded? 4. What do nobel laureates receive? 5. Who nominates the candidates for the Prize in economic Sciences? 6. Who was the youngest woman to win the nobel Prize in economics? 7. do you know any Italians who have won the nobel Prize?

Diritto ed economia. Istruzioni per l’uso
Diritto ed economia. Istruzioni per l’uso